Monday, November 15, 2010

Catholic Confirmation Lettered

The Bench / 2

At this place needs a dusting ... I find less and less time to update, think and take care of my blog but this post is lying in my drawer for too long and now it is time to publish . Now, readers of my imaginary diary, do not expect anything from that post, no revelation, no polemical tone or justification for my absence ... it's just a post to return to speak of my world view on this digital space.


Michael: Hey France ... tuttappò? What are we doing tonight?

Francis : Micha ... you want to do? There is nothing to do! As always!

Michael: Why? We can not get together with others and play in your cellar?

Francis : no Michi ... the last time that pesantone the third floor called the police ... could not sleep ... at ten!

Michael: Ugh, so what? Let's Altamura? Or a bowling Metaponto?

Francis: Let's see what others are saying ... but I do not think you have the car tonight?

Michele: No, not my father ... I did not leave the ... Last month I took off the points with balloon es'è angry.

Francis: and scooters?

Michael: Mine is without lights, that of Mark is the mechanic, it is turning into a bomb France! If you feel the mess that is the pot ... when you realize it comes from 5 km.

Francis : Freaky ... and if you stop him?

Michele: I do not stop ... what if they run away ... which has the license plate you do not read ... and if you stop calling her uncle, do you rip a fine and give back the scooter and mo ... damn it to Mark .

Francis : Oh well .. even if it still do not have no money for gas ... we stay here?

Michele : E vabbù .. but where do we go?

Francis: In the middle of the course there tonight?

Michele : The rub! Like last night! In fact, I tell you a secret: there will be tomorrow night.

Francis: I did not know I had a crystal ball! And the Stones?

Michele: I heard that tonight organize a guided tour of the most beautiful open-air car park of Italy.

Francis: Ah ah ah!

brothel that there ...

Michele: And then?

Francis : How do I know ... we go to the park above the old cemetery.

Michele: Oh ... again ... that pizza.

Francis: What are you doing? At least we are assured, does not see anyone and we spend the evening.

Michael: But I do not even break ... a woman ... But at least we buy something?

Francis. And mo ... let's see ... we put a euro each and we buy a bottle from discounters.

Michele : Vabbù, you have to say ... I call Angioletto e gli faccio portare un po’ di fumo?

Francesco : Dobbiamo mettere un altro euro a testa quindi?

Michele : Si dai. Anzi…due patatine non le vogliamo comprare?

Francesco : Oh…mo non esageriamo…io so’ figlio di cassintegrato…

Michele : E mica ti ho detto 100 euro!?!?

Francesco : Vabbù…è andata. Avvisa gli altri! E mangia a casa, così ti fai il “tappo”.

Michele : Ma pensa a te…io lo reggo l’alcool!

Francesco : Yes ... they are the benches and swings that can not stand you!

Michele: Why do you instead? Last time a lamppost and a bench have split!

Francis : Who me? I do not remember ...

Michael: And I know you do not remember ... you do not even remember that you threw up the impossible ...

Francesco: Indeed ... I do not remember anything ... I just remember the circle to the head that I came the next morning.

Michele : ah ah ah ... later in cod.

Boredom, disinterest el'inciviltà feed with the inaction and lack of space and social aggregation. Our children, our children, live and move in an environment that allows them to express and cultivate their passions. Cut out so their spaces of freedom and a vent vitality and repressed aggression against themselves and against things.

A good municipal government should take to heart the needs of "men of tomorrow."

should strive to prevent deviant behavior and not only pursue and prosecute those elusive artists.

A city

"flat" is a decadent city.

In a decadent town ignorance and crime proliferate. Would take very little to remedy this: a community center, a youth festival of live music, good management of public spaces, a public awareness campaign.

But attention should also be fanatical in repairing the devastation in the care of urban and custody of public property for not imply that the disorder and degradation are in principle permissible.

not me talking, but they say international sociological studies (Eg. Broken Window Theory - James Q. Wilson and George Kelling - 1982).

not enough to rant and forbidding. Unless you just want to make propaganda.


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