Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Birthday Wording Cupcake

Memories at thirty and a half after the earthquake

Every historical event, catastrophic, revolutionary, important to remember if you lived alone with his own eyes. Or rather, you remember more or less detailed than what you were doing in those moments. And so for me, for example, is linked to a Sept. 11 afternoon of studies on the sofa at home gone bad, as I was hypnotized before Rainews24 and its direct.
But I was already 25 years and the memory is definitely more lively and bright in me.

separate issue is the 80 earthquake.
I had just 4 years and also strive to come to mind only flash episodes and situations, characters and feelings that I have not the certainty and full cognizance.

was in the evening ... we had not yet begun to eat.
was living in rent at Via Cappello and were home that evening my dear grandparents (sigh!).

I was in my room with my sister to listen to the disc once diecimilionesima "The Rescuers" with the legendary mangiadischi red.
We were sitting on the floor, I'm almost sure, with my sister, who followed with the finger on the book the story comes from that thing awesome.

My parents were in the kitchen chatting gaily.

D'un tratto trema tutto, io mollo tutto e corro in cucina urlando impaurito.

Ci abbracciammo tutti.
Fu la prima reazione istintiva. Una famiglia abbracciata per proteggersi.
La luce andava e veniva e poi sparì lasciandoci al buio più assoluto.
Io continuavo a chiedere ossessivamente cosa fosse quel rumore, quel boato.
Mio nonno mi diceva che proveniva dalla strada: "sono dei grossi camion che passan di qui sotto", mi diceva. Io immaginavo file di carri armati o camion giganteschi ma non potevo vederli.
Poi la corsa nelle scale. Ricordo vicini di casa in lacrime, urla frightened on the landings, stairs four at a time made her up to my father. So afraid.
Then the night in the street and the bitter feeling of not having fully understood the scope of the disaster.
This is what my mind remembers ... in fact few details were added later, perhaps because we've always wanted to remove that sad experience is not talking anymore.
From there began a pilgrimage is in fact infinite and a condition of instability that may have borne fruit in many years away.
evacuated, housed in the hotel 6 months (mythical Hotel De Nicola).
Then in rent for the desperation and the fatigue of living a life of displaced persons.
Then for two years in the prefabs: bronchial asthma for allergy to grass, the inconvenience of the periphery, the sacrifices to buy a home waiting for a council house living in 40 square meters of sheet metal ...

I suffered and experienced the drama developing on my skin, for example, a sensitivity to earthquakes: if the night, even after many years, there was a shake of the 4-5th grade scale Mercalli I jolted out of bed, my heart in my chest was beating a thousand in the morning and I was always the first to tell of earthquake felt.
Up today: still, after all, I'm terrified to earthquakes.
have passed 30 years and certainly without the earthquake, my life today would not be the same.
A special thought goes to those who no longer there, but especially those who are still crying and people, things, destroyed homes and broken lives.
embrace virtually all, a bit like we did that night in the kitchen of Via Cappello.


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