Friday, December 3, 2010

Mud Wrestling Football

dreams, you know, are the fulfillment of a repressed desire, hidden.
The other night I was around Turin, the "my" Seattle, the streets of the quadrangle.
I was panting and turned around from store to store looking for ...
I do not remember!
And now because while I dreamed of "someone" woke me up shouting "go to check ... is not that you discovered??" oh well ... not to digress, because this conversation deserves a post ad hoc!

the morning, though, I am lugging around this sense of incompleteness and stopping to think about it I realized that (maybe maybe) a seat by a psychoanalyst (preferably cute and sexy voice: D) I'd be wrong.

are all the rage lists: Fazio and Saviano school have done so here is my list for submission to the beautiful psychologist:

List of "things" that I have (tried) to collect in my life
(in random order strictly , rambling and confused as regards the current state of mind of the writer):

  • model cars (mostly Ferrari)
  • caps of bottles of juice (mostly those with flags )
  • dealer shop for food "Riccardi" (already a child persisted with the fight against tax evasion ...)
  • Figurine (of different subjects: football, animals, cartoons etc)
  • Phonecards
  • Banknotes foreign
  • magazine "Mickey" Dylan Dog
  • Autosprint Magazines (for each victory Schumacher)
  • foreign beer bottles (empty because drinking and all tested personally)
  • Beer glasses (strictly stolen from pub)
  • Coasters for glasses, beer cans coca cola
  • CDs of my favorite bands
  • CPU (removed from my computer and those others)
  • Figure of shit (but only involuntary collection nutritissima and always updated)
  • Maglie da calcio
  • Tagliandi di partite viste allo stadio
  • (ora non ricordo altro ma sono sicuro che qualcos'altro ci sarà...aggiorno via via che mi tornano in mente)
La maggior parte di queste "interessantissime" collezioni è andata dispersa...alcune giacciono nei garages dei parenti più prossimi...altre continuano ad esser considerate veri e propri trofei da portar con me nella tomba (devo ricordarmi di scriverlo nel testamento).
In realtà ignoro del tutto quale componente compulsiva/ossessiva della mia psiche influenzi questi comportamenti.
Di certo c'è che sono un fiume in piena e che l'ultima idea di collezione balenatami nella mind could easily bring ruin to (economic).
And because I'm impassioning contemporary art ... who knows ...

For this, readers imaginary friends, if you think my attitude behind this there is an inkling of madness you have two choices:
a) I stop before it's too late
b) attended to me and if you encounter it wanted to talk about the facades showing interest

in both cases, what is your choice, know that I love you!

signed: mad


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