Saturday, December 25, 2010

Projector For Personal Use



Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Treat Itchy Blisters On Tailbone

I return in mind

It 's a time that I got I have memories.

My mind surrenders itself to travel backward in time, dig and retrieve repressed memories of sensations, smells, sounds and images seemingly forgotten.

It 's the time of the pool, my passion, alas, almost abandoned.

Inevitably my mind returns to the "big head", gianfry, friend and teacher in the cold night in Turin and companion of endless study sessions at the table, uniquely driven by the desire to discover the mysteries of calculations between the diamond we were almost Kabbalists hardened, worthy of the best characters in Eco's novel.

hours and hours trying Garuffo, SFAC, link bars, rounds, two mo 'for three rounds, steole and straightened.

much I miss those days.
Mi manca il rumore dei birilli che cadono in sequenza nel silenzio assoluto della sala semideserta.
Mi manca il calore del panno sotto la mia mano mentre con la mia fida stecca LM brandeggio mirando un punto preciso sulla sponda.
Mi manca il profumo del gessetto sfregato sul tacchetto in maniera automatica e involontaria mentre la mente elabora calcoli e studia soluzioni.

Son solo 9 birilli e 3 biglie, son solo due uomini con due stecche, son solo 5 luci che illuminano un tavolo di ardesia riscaldato e rivestito di panno queste immagini racchiudono per me un'epoca e una sequenza di emozioni irripetibili.
Irripetibili perchè Gianfry non c'è più e perchè mai più I searched and found a fellow like him with whom we travel the same roads and experience the same emotions.

And there he was, his wry smile: " testooooone ," he said, " not think of nothing but you, as it will go sleeveless and if you want to win against me ... testooooone "
and I repeated it every time with that accent Turin (and they were many) who beat me relentlessly, finding the most difficult putting more topical at the time of our match.
It was not luck, it was class.
I teased and stimulated because it was really a master for me, could teach dozens and did it selflessly, Unlike so many other "false teachers" because he and I were studying the billiard game or not for money or for glory. We stopped to discuss and try out and attacks, several theories to find the most effective solution.
friendship was cemented by a common passion for billiards.

Now my stick is in the cellar, all alone, disassembled and placed in the scabbard.
My three-fingered glove, however, is linked to his coffin and I wanted to bury it with him.

I miss the pool. I miss Turin. I miss gianfry.

I had even written two verses, I wanted to make you to fight.
I know who did it until the last but the disease was stronger than him and took it away.

gianfry do not know why I have returned and billiards in mind today.
The mind goes sometimes bizarre and irrational ways.

The Garuffo
Life often presents you put a center-center.
At that point, if you want to get out and do not simply pull a living, you only have one choice.
studied the attack on the long side, calculates the exit on the short side, evaluating the effect to impress to your ball and with all your strength and agility
kicks ... and the magic of Garuffo.
can remain outside of SFAC or offer an easy sleeper, but if you put all you're putting the center-center you do, and all the pressure of the world passes by you to the rest of the world. You can do it, there you have to do, you can do it!

Hello gianfry

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Cuisinart Kitchen Appliances Philippines

Put one evening at dinner with my collections Giulietto

At the conference organized by Matera Change! on 11 December I was lucky enough to listen and talk personally with Giulietto Church, especially in the post conference, sitting comfortably at the table in a pub-restaurant in the suburbs.
curiosity toward the man and the battles they are waging in recent years has led me to make him the most varied questions, to investigate in his past, curious to hear his experiences to understand the training and better understand the His current project.
In a cheerful smile for a story of living history behind the curtain, and a bitter smile for the collapse of a belief more or less ingrained in me, between a plate of chips, a beer and two pepper penne Crusco I took the 'opportunity to reconsider my approach to policy .

I understand, first, that to meet the challenges of this transition period ideological barriers to be removed, or better yet he renounced overcome anything.
simply must change the perspective in times of crisis we can not fossilize positions they are likely to have contributed to the crisis.
must change, evolve and improve. Questioning. Always
that you want to overcome this crisis and not making money in a cynical and shortsighted.

And so, amid numerous personal reflections and readings of dozens of documents scattered around the network I have developed a number of points necessary in order to maximize the result of my political engagement.
will note here some of these "dogmas " (which should not be dogma, certainly do not pretend to have in hand the absolute truth) that I treasure, to better secure them in the bulletin of my existence:

a) are not a consumer but a man , a thinking being with the same rights and duties of all 6 billion people on this Earth

b) 's socio current model -economic growth based on the infinite and indefinite (economic, production, consumption, consensus, greed etc. etc.) is for the implosion for a simple reason: there will not be for everyone! There's already time for all! The Earth is a finite resource ... so ...

c) need to trust, trust and work with those who care, which ultimate goal (if not only) the common good : overcoming differences considering the added value diversity. All others are enemies. All others are to fight and beat on the ground of confrontation and dialectic, salt of a democracy with the capital, including all existing parties today in view of local / national (just to give a concrete example of the enemy)

d) should start studying, working and changing habits and lifestyles being aware that the eventual result of this "revolution " will be for future generations, and should therefore be altruistic nell'accezione broadest sense and not selfish, impatient and hasty choices;

s) any form of political, cultural and / or social development can not ignore the non-violence : war is an instrument of death , whether commercial or traditional or otherwise, then by divorce;

f) the truth is neither one nor seen one built in his own mind nor learned from the media for the most artfully shaped to preserve the system. Each circumstance should be analyzed and verified using all means at our disposal to refute , first and foremost the freedom of thought and independence at large;

g) imagine a future of peace and prosperity not possible without a redistribution of resources more equitable and respectful of each individual rather than social class or nationality etc.;

h) must work to overcome the current paradigms of self, professional politicians and personalities and move to the instruments of democratic representation which gives the sharing, transparency, enlargement of the investment, the development of "community "and the" sense of community " tools that will lead, through a collective responsibility, and therefore more supportive of decisions right;

i) is essential broaden the base of people" aware of facts "and stimulate their critical thinking skills senza voler imporre presuntuosamente la propria visione della vita; senza questo passaggio è riduttivo e inefficace studiare e ripetersi le cose nella cerchia ristretta del proprio gruppo/associazione locale, pur essendo indispensabile e irrinunciabile farlo. Bisogna, perciò, rompere il muro della disinformazione ma anche quello della " cultura dell’intrattenimento inconsapevole " attraverso eventi, gruppi di lettura, proiezioni di film documentario con annesse discussioni libere ed aperte a TUTTI, gazebo in piazza, sit-in e tutto quanto può servire ad avvicinare gente, a svegliare le coscienze;

j) La Dichiarazione Universale dei Diritti dell’Uomo and our Republican Constitution must be defended because the foundations of a sustainable model of civil society and, therefore, be essential in guiding texts transition path, we must fight hard for the application of these principles in any context.

To do this we need to get in the trenches in the first person
" Be the change you want in the world " said Gandhi.

Occor And a team with all those who decide to marry this revolutionary project devoting precious time to be used in concrete activities.
For that I thank Juliet and his words because he sent me this " sense of responsibility."
The future of this planet depends on me: if the world is falling apart is not always necessarily the fault of others.

Humility, Loyalty, Selflessness, foresight and Solidarity.

I seem to have these distinctive features of this policy proposal.
This means, for me, try to be "united and diverse."

PS side note, sometimes satirical at times no ... it was a real nice face, feel valued and find points of encounter dialogue between protokomunisti

U.S. and Others -
Blog Giulietto Church - Alternative -
Badiale-Bontempelli - we must finish, we must start

Friday, December 3, 2010

Mud Wrestling Football

dreams, you know, are the fulfillment of a repressed desire, hidden.
The other night I was around Turin, the "my" Seattle, the streets of the quadrangle.
I was panting and turned around from store to store looking for ...
I do not remember!
And now because while I dreamed of "someone" woke me up shouting "go to check ... is not that you discovered??" oh well ... not to digress, because this conversation deserves a post ad hoc!

the morning, though, I am lugging around this sense of incompleteness and stopping to think about it I realized that (maybe maybe) a seat by a psychoanalyst (preferably cute and sexy voice: D) I'd be wrong.

are all the rage lists: Fazio and Saviano school have done so here is my list for submission to the beautiful psychologist:

List of "things" that I have (tried) to collect in my life
(in random order strictly , rambling and confused as regards the current state of mind of the writer):

  • model cars (mostly Ferrari)
  • caps of bottles of juice (mostly those with flags )
  • dealer shop for food "Riccardi" (already a child persisted with the fight against tax evasion ...)
  • Figurine (of different subjects: football, animals, cartoons etc)
  • Phonecards
  • Banknotes foreign
  • magazine "Mickey" Dylan Dog
  • Autosprint Magazines (for each victory Schumacher)
  • foreign beer bottles (empty because drinking and all tested personally)
  • Beer glasses (strictly stolen from pub)
  • Coasters for glasses, beer cans coca cola
  • CDs of my favorite bands
  • CPU (removed from my computer and those others)
  • Figure of shit (but only involuntary collection nutritissima and always updated)
  • Maglie da calcio
  • Tagliandi di partite viste allo stadio
  • (ora non ricordo altro ma sono sicuro che qualcos'altro ci sarà...aggiorno via via che mi tornano in mente)
La maggior parte di queste "interessantissime" collezioni è andata dispersa...alcune giacciono nei garages dei parenti più prossimi...altre continuano ad esser considerate veri e propri trofei da portar con me nella tomba (devo ricordarmi di scriverlo nel testamento).
In realtà ignoro del tutto quale componente compulsiva/ossessiva della mia psiche influenzi questi comportamenti.
Di certo c'è che sono un fiume in piena e che l'ultima idea di collezione balenatami nella mind could easily bring ruin to (economic).
And because I'm impassioning contemporary art ... who knows ...

For this, readers imaginary friends, if you think my attitude behind this there is an inkling of madness you have two choices:
a) I stop before it's too late
b) attended to me and if you encounter it wanted to talk about the facades showing interest

in both cases, what is your choice, know that I love you!

signed: mad