Monday, June 28, 2010

Cute/funny Save The Date



Moving Digestive System Gif


06 Modolos' ring run race PHOTO ALBUM

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Design The Perfecet Wedding Dress Online For Free


Dear Friends,
as I had announced in advance , Saturday, June 26, 2010, at the Tennis Club of Sedico will take place on one of the latest sporting events and more specifically of Amiciadi : SEDICO ITALIAN OPEN - TENNIS TOURNAMENT. (REGULATION)
view of the fact that this event has been booked for the two external fields (hopefully in good time otherwise we will be forced to postpone the event) from 8 am to 13 , the meeting of athletes he is fixed at the same club at 7:30 am , for the extraction of pairs and therefore the match schedule.
The cost of this day will be pariahs to € 90 € 17 more for the field of balls to be divided among all participants (currently I have received 16 confirmations).
The club has changing rooms and showers (divided by men and women) and a club house (bar), so, for those interested, you can wash and riforcillarsi spot.
course will also accept registrations at the last moment and above all participation is open to all.
Oh, and even a bit 'of fans is appreciated! ! !
NB To avoid unpleasant misunderstandings, to inform you that the 7:45 am (after the academic quarter of an hour) will be extracted pairs of these, so who would arrive later, will be subsequently entered in the schedule after the first extracted (and therefore will be entirely causal and the choice of the challenger).

Thank provided and See you Saturday.


Monday, June 21, 2010

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Howto Masterbate And Not Make A Mess

closes the drawers in my house!

I am sitting on the bench in the town park and I could not hear the conversation next to the bench:

P'tricc: "sure you can not make nothing, you saw how many there are non to Matera "

Stacchicc :" eh ... mò between caregivers and Chinese do not understand anything anymore ... at least they were only the first Moroccan "

P'tricc : "those we care and work are also to demand the rights in our house"

Stacchicc : "I would refer them all at home other than public housing, voting rights, pensions, health "

P'tricc " these ruin our Italy and our children are dying of hunger "

Stacchicc :" do not something for us that we Italians figured if we have to worry about their "

P'tricc " and polentone who want their taxes to us do not go south? "

Stacchicc "Ah ... I've heard! Incredible! You know what? we are the south that come off well, we divide Italy, so our home is the South "

P'tricc :" IE right! But Campania, Puglia and Calabria to let them lose: those are all Camorra thugs ... and thank goodness we Basilicata, Lucania Basilicata to the happy island.

We have everything: sun, sea, oil, you tell me we have to beg? we make it by yourself! "

Stacchicc :" It is true, but enough of this interference of power over matter, it can not be more ... I want the matter and not Potentini decide for me. "

P'tricc :" you're right! stacchiamoci to Power! They think that we are lucani Series B, 'sti Montagnuolo "

Stacchicc :" I get angry because I already have a Mayor Ferrandina, I figured if I put my feet in the head by Potentini "

P'tricc :" In fact we are just stupid, not to make the mayor were Matera, no? I'm just Matera, they may have come from outside my house in order? "

Stacchicc :" Do not just talk about it, who knows what problems Matera and our neighborhoods. Nothing! Then get upset and decide what to do and in our neighborhoods: enough! I'm from Buttiglione Buttiglione and we decide what to do. This is our home ... who knows that he is "the palace"? "

P'tricc : "Indeed! Well said, everyone must decide in his house in this place where we go from here?"

Stacchicc : "And yet you know what? I was really tired, all rule and decide that they are outside. I decided: I'm going home that I overpaid by the sweat of my work, and there we stay! and control in my house! And I do not accept that no one puts his beak in my house!

Ptricc : "Yeah, maybe, why do not you break your parents and your in-laws? The couch is not good here, you have to do this the white wall, you have to adjust the boiler ... if only I see them I get nervous "

Stacchicc : “No no, forse non hai capito! In casa mia comando io! E se mi fanno arrabbiare non apro nemmeno la porta ai parenti! Anzi, farò proprio cosi: da domani io rimango chiuso in casa mia e vedrai che non avrò più problemi da questi extradomiciliari!

P'tricc : "Ben detto, sciam'ninn...ognuno a casa sua! E v’dimm! Ci sentiamo!"

E fu così che questi due uomini, i miei vicini di panchina, tornarono a casa con il petto gonfio e vissero per il resto dei loro giorni a defend the fort.

I, however, rising from the bench with a smile, I decided to continue living in the open air, to breathe deeply and imagine a different city, open to change and the capital of culture of respect, promotes policies of acceptance and solidarity.

My house is the whole world, my people did not breed. I have no forts that fade away.

I want to be infected, I will share my ideas with others, I want to talk much with non-EU citizens with the EU. Speak and listen, learn and help.

So I'll definitely richer (and not talking about money), and at peace with myself and with others (TUTTI!).

This is my article published in Issue 1 of the matter changes monthly.

The monthly pdf is also available on the website and

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Number 36 Clip Art

Fifa World Cup 2010

Oggi inizia il Mondiale di Calcio 2010.
Sulla nostra nazionale si scatenano, come sempre, mille critiche, spesso sterili ed ingiustificate.
Come al solito però, le esasperazioni non mi appassionano.
Preferisco sperare di poter godere di uno spettacolo decente, di belle emozioni e di pagine di sport memorabili (non necessariamente legate ai nostri colori).
Riprendendo un post di Ataru sul blog di HB ho deciso di cimentarmi anche io nel pronostico sul mondiale.
Il risultato delle my rambling is that Italy comes at the hands of Spain in the quarter-final and that it defeated Spain in the semi final in Argentina and Brazil.
We'll see ...

Meanwhile ... the show early in the vuvuzela ... ... to the delight of our ears;)

Monday, June 7, 2010

Anyone Pregnant With Fibroids


Once outside the "First Run Race Modolo's Ring", details here.

Meeting at 19:00 ( tomorrow Tuesday, June 8) at the parking ring Modolo, WITH ANY TIME.
The rain that falls during the day will allow the weather to run atelti gardevole.
Departure will take place at 19.15.
will be conducted two rounds of the ring.

you tomorrow!
For Higher Committee

How To Help A Sister Thru Chemo

iPad and digital learning

Fantastic and raving of progress and technology at the table I found myself arguing with my mother (a primary school teacher) on
futuristic role and the challenge of abandoning the paper and also in teaching scolastico.
Ovviamente ho trovato un muro fatto di diffidenza, di tradizione, di metodi consolidati (anche se efficaci, non è questo il punto).
La sfida appare un miraggio: sostituire libri, quaderni, lavagne, cartelle con un solo supporto tecnologico, quello che oggi potrebbe essere l'iPad ma domani chissà.
Io invece ci credo. E mi auguro che mia figlia possa godere di un potente strumento di calcolo per migliorare se stessa nei processi di apprendimento.
Non penso affatto ad una didattica digitale nel senso di facilitata ma soprattutto ad applicazioni studiate ad hoc per coinvolgere, interessare e stimolare il desiderio di conoscenza sfrtuttando ipertestualità, multimedialità e interattività.

Tutte cose praticamente impossibili oggi in una scuola basata sul trinomio quaderno - libro - lavagna.

Il tutto ovviamente curato da pedagogisti, esperti di formazione per l'infanzia, logopedisti, educatori.
Agli informatici sarebbe destinato unicamente il ruolo di tradurre in applicazioni gli indirizzi progettuali recepiti da questi.
E lì purtroppo cascherebbe l'asino visto che ad oggi, da quello che mi risulta, i corsi di laurea che preparano le figure succitate trascurano il ruolo della tecnologia mortificando di Future projects that I have assumed.

to say: our children are receptive and ready for digital learning, but are not (and will not be for at least another generation) teachers.

And to think that the university should be the vanguard and the tool to move the frontier of knowledge ... just think that a professor of design requires the design of the tables by hand in the computer age and CAD ... I said it all.

I continue to think and hope that my daughter can go to school with only iPad under his arm, that can read and browse books about it, emphasize and pinning the important things digitally, enjoy multimedia and interactive learning, share their experiences by connecting to the network of the class, friends and teachers, enjoy the taste to discover the world while having fun, learning and digital studio, access to libraries and Digital showcases the almost endless.

And why not, it can do to safeguard your back (think of the controversy about heavy backpacks) and the pockets of parents forced to pay tens of in the book by paying €
made plus the costs of printing and distribution that the legitimate copyright.

I believe it. But they are usually the visionary?