Wednesday, May 5, 2010

How Does The Macy's Employee Discount Work

aretamano Pride!

Aretam is a fantastic city to human scale.
Services work wonders and we live happy citizens. I
, aretamano doc, I get up every morning awakened by the chirping of birds that stop in the trees near my house. After a hearty breakfast before I accompany my daughter to the door of the nursery where the city bus will pick you on time. I also go to work I
bus, strictly electric, it passes every 20 minutes and stops 200 meters from my house.
Arrive at the bus stop and the display shows me how soon will the next bus.
The traffic is so smooth I come to work in less than a quarter of an hour.
for lunch often, especially on sunny days, opt for a sandwich eaten at the park, near the place where I work.
I enjoy the scent of flowers and grass while the sun caresses my face.
go back to work happy.
When my work day ends I go home and decide to take my daughter for a walk in town or in a theme park for children not far from it.
I go by bike or bus, the City has set up a bike sharing service that can be accessed with the same card with which I pay for my ticket on the bus.
Aretam to the evening there is always something interesting to do: concerts, theater, cinema, conferences, sports, neighborhood meetings.
not get bored at all ... I watch TV a few minutes a day, I do not have time.
I live in a house built using municipal building tool: 75 sqm house built in an environmentally friendly, energy efficient, with solar panels that allow me to save on energy bills (already low because the city has invested a lot and it produces the same energy from renewable sources ). Cost me only € 100,000. Just so to speak, I still had to borrow money, but luckily I got a loan at a discounted rate thanks to the convention that the municipality has signed with a local bank for large families and poor as mine.
When I then lost my job (working in a salottificio) I quickly found support in the institutions: I have suspended and deferred payment of the mortgage and council tax, I have benefited from a training course for the return to work and thanks to a funding bill aimed I could re-enter the world of work with my self-employment in tourism (but I could have done more).
The City is really a glass house: I can access all the papers, resolutions, see the city council simply by going online or at the headquarters of the association in my neighborhood. When it comes to deciding on priorities in allocating the funds available to the City Council convened in open assemblies in each of us free citizens can participate and be proactive.
I can do all the bureaucratic activities from home or from work thanks to digital services safe and made available by the government.
Aretam is a very modern city life: With tourism is a city open to cultural exchanges and aretamani are very welcoming and hospitable. Immigration is seen as a resource, an opportunity and not a threat. The work should not miss, agriculture and tourism account for much of the work force.
My sister, 24 year old, he studied and graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts Aretam, now is a researcher in the field of conservation and restoration of works of art and contribute, through its research, to create jobs and keep the enormous cultural heritage in my city features. Did not have to go away either to study or for work.
Aretam is a fantastic city, in a few years it has become a reference point for the whole region and neighboring areas.
Sin exists only in my dreams ... unfortunately I do not live in Aretam (except at night, while the dream, blessed sleep in my bed).
live in Matera and every morning I wake up after having done the same recurring dream I turn off the smile on his lips.
indeed, to be more precise, more than to fade me turns into a grimace of determination, perseverance and hope: every morning I look in the mirror and tell myself that the dream is realized, which can change Matera and I plan to put all for you to change!
Nothing happens to Aretam is impossible, nothing is the result of an insane vision or hallucination: all things are workable and practical proposals and credible.
And if we believe in many, overcoming divisions and personality, fighting profiteering and cronyism and work with the same goal in the head (the interest), a piece at a time Matera change.
Starting today: MATERA CHANGE!

The world is in the hands of those who dare to dream and to take the chance to live their dreams. (Paulo Coelho)


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