Thursday, February 10, 2005

New Born Example Message

A Shame (Guido Castelli)

A shame. That 'the only noun and which' can define the proposal to amend the electoral law prepared by the majority at the last minute after an appeal by the Government of legislation passed in December. In the center-left hurriedly put under consideration in the Regional Council today a bill that has only one political goal: to depress the council representing the South of the Marches to the benefit of the College of Ancona. The establishment of the fifth constituency (the Fermo) in the absence of a rebalancing of the old electoral law, bring 'to the "decimation" of the directors Ascoli and Fermo. I see too many advisors recommend not Stop that have become champions of the autonomy stop for reasons of low food elettorale.Ancora more 'serious they are, then, the effects will spread specifically on the area of \u200b\u200bAscoli, which will be able to' rely on the same number of Councillors assigned constituency detention (four) despite well
40,000 people in more '. I have submitted 500 amendments to the proposal and will try 'to filibuster to prevent it from being enacted that' it will be 'remembered as a true "legal scam" against dell'ascolano and stop.


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