Thursday, February 10, 2005

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The truth about small houses (Gabriele Baldassarri)

The directors of the National Alliance who sit on the board of the district of village Soleste 'show their satisfaction with the activation of the various procedures carried out to examine the proposed framework agreement for the approval of the draft variation to the integrated intervention prg and ppe areas of completion for the area referred to as "minimal houses and other urban areas.
the path of action that begins in August 1999 with a special resolution of the council n.83/84 25/8/1999 in which the area called "small houses" in town Soleste 'was inserted between the PRUSST previous administration, always right, wanted to accomplish, it gave a result of the above with the approval of a program agreement for the classification of "small houses" of Soleste village 'with a resolution of the City Council on 08/05/2000 n.138.
the reasons that lead us to be favorable are many especially if you think that with that assistance is going to realize some of the more 'important political programs requested in the administrative district of the previous board has approved the start of term. stop these days was just the province certainly will not support 'an early solution of the problem. all artfully raised from the left that never misses an opportunity to exploit all circumstances to embarrass 'the administration even if this' means maintaining, not even for those other decades, people and entire families in a state of decay, as well as the abandoned buildings.
fact, going in order of priority, the objective of most 'important concerns the solution of the housing problem of the present residents of "small houses" in town Soleste'.
intervention will allow ':
- the demolition of the existing "small houses" that have become weak and unhealthy from the hygienic point of view of health also because' as cover the roof with Eternit.
- allow ' families which qualify to live in accommodation suitable for residential use, to remain in the district where they live now for several decades and thus avoid the inconvenience caused by the transfer to other parts of the city 'through the construction of new homes for affordable housing popular ;
- enable 'to find suitable accommodation to the viability' of the district with the creation of an adequate number of parking spaces to serve the residents
- will increase 'quality' of neighborhood life through the development of public park and the arrangement of green areas pertaining to the affected area after surgery;
- enable ' better placement of the spaces intended for the street market and in turn they will have 'an improvement of the traffic on the stretch of road and street green street Benghazi;
- will allow' the growth of the business sector in the district providing employment to some workers in the industry;
- will ensure 'the usability' of the new headquarters of the district town of Soleste 'throughout the year in consideration of a large amount' of tourists every summer, attended the same venue during events related to the medieval quintana.
regarding the appearance instead of zoning in the area of \u200b\u200bmonterocco also be found here the social significance. Contrary to what is stated by the directors who sit together and communists in the province, private resources is essential to enable the construction of the houses of riscattatari, whereas for that purpose could not be used public money and then the municipality or the IACP.
through this intervention will allow 'the neighborhood to have a development of land with the fact that about 500 people will find their homes in the territory of village Soleste', in contrast with what happened in the last few years where we have seen developing tissues Social neighboring municipalities to Ascoli Piceno to the detriment of the capital itself.
also with the zoning that you can ' to assess the innummerevoli former residents of our district the opportunity 'to return a part for all purposes of this big community' and that 'the district town Soleste'.

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Share the Land (by Giulio Natali)

Starting from the territory, the people with the right rigor of having to combine the necessary courage obviously made sense to change the reference values \u200b\u200bof the company to build a more just, more honest and more consistent.
Here is the task that all elected representatives of An should pursue: the adviser to the parliamentary constituency, passing through all those who occupy positions in many institutions An on appeal that sometimes the decision-makers stronger than themselves elected.
This behavioral aspect is of course is a working tool in administration, but must meet together and fill if the targets primarily as a party we must have, while being aware of having to live in the CdL coalition, driven by social, defense of public interests and national oligarchies on the primacy of the community that must distinguish between the right in Italy and Europe.
Starting therefore from the districts this is the difficult task of our Directors: transpose problems, examine them and submit them to the attention of the directors of the reference solution in stimulating awareness extreme difficulty of the anxiety that the economic community in general and accompanied by the notorious slowness of the apparatus and the security of the "place" of the staff made a mix that can serve as an incentive to stop.
But those are reasons that should make it a reality An unique among all the parties that are binding on all to insist on their respective roles to respond effectively, and with a sense of equality to those who has already given us confidence and to whom we look carefully and ready to do so.


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Change the Face of Monticelli (Claudio Gezzi)

Monticelli a suburb like many others in Italy, built from the end 70s. E 'has always been considered a "dormitory neighborhood" because it was conceived as a neighborhood that would serve only to give shelter to people who sought home. This administration, unlike the others, studying the Official Gazette is the "Contract Quarter" or up to 20 billion funding for the redevelopment of depressed urban areas. After this with great difficulty has been set in motion the bureaucratic machine. The Government accepts the request for funding sought by the city of Ascoli Piceno, but by the book and the region size of 20 billion will be reduced to 10, but there are good too demoralized. It involves public and Enterprises is re-examined the historical problems of Monticelli and prepare a plan of action. Doing some examples:

- construction of a home for people with altzhaimer;
- construction of a building of 27 apartments at the expense of ERP IACP;
- rationalization of the central axis of the road with a roundabout after the hospital;
- re walking the west and east;
- construction of a commercial structure in front of the hospital;
- construction of parking lots in front of the hospital;
- construction of buildings of mixed use (including guesthouses) front of the hospital;
- construction of the multipurpose center of the parish of SS. Simon and Jude;
- rejoining of the areas in front of the hospital with a landscaped park;
- elimination of the old assumptions of the road embankment;
- provision of a bridge over Tronto to connect with the Cross of Tolignano Picena Aprutina;
- Construction green areas near the river equipped with bike;
- construction of parking lots near the elementary school;
- creation of a botanical garden;
- the creation of green areas and parking areas;
- Construction building a multi-functional API DEMA;
- redevelopment of the relevance of a skyscraper;
- Urban development of a varied general.

Of the 10 billion in funding, after subtracting those to give to HICP for edelizia public housing, remain to be used on all four Monticelli. Of course we can not turn Monticelli in a perfect oasis in which to live naturally, but if this money is well spent will be able to solve many problems that are now believed to form part of local life. The Neighbourhood Contract of Ascoli Piceno has now been funded and that the decree of the Minister for signature. Thank goodness we did, what was just a dream has become reality, even if this opposition can be summed up in one word, and their now historic "Cement."

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hub, port Ascoli

Located west of Ascoli Piceno, with an expanded geographical area and residential high character, but grouped in small villages far from both of them, and the center of major importance, Crop, who for many years was the admission to the town of Ascoli
for those who reached from the west (Lazio - Umbria).
Since the opening of the extension of the expressway to expressway to the capital city, Crop found itself devoid of that amount he had in previous years.
That is our duty to safeguard and further revalue it in all its aspects, emphasizing the cultural and environmental activities through public participation and trust in city government.

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What's cooking at Porta Maggiore

Good news for the district of Porta Maggiore SS.Filippo IV and James. Has been allocated by our local authority over 170 thousand euro for the reconstruction of sidewalks in the neighborhood TOFARE. A very important fact because it is recognized in the work of the National Alliance and the majority of all the will to remedy the disastrous situation in this neighborhood that has long = It has been left to 'the same. Some of leading initiatives that we report are the courses for adults maintaining gym at Middle School Gym Luciani AP (for subscriptions to the pho at meal 0736/45624) Courses Dance Latin American, Caribbean Dance, Dance Group Smooth and at the Elementary School Gym Full Time, Via Sardegna AP (for registration phone at 347 0644764). Like every year we intend to promote family unity around the crib, as a sign of Christian identity
, a competition for the families of our land. constituency rewarding the best nativity "Christmas 2004". In collaboration with the Laboratory Minimum Theatre, December 26 at 16:30 at the Theatre of the Parish of St. Mary Gore will be put on a show with free entry, titled "The Wizard of Oz" tale
theater for children.

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A work by make no ifs and buts (Igino Hunters and Stefano Babini)

Once upon a time the last green lung of the city (usually two, but the other had been removed some years earlier because of pollution from a factory) is a strip of land called ex Dart board, scrub for some, for other Eden, still without homes, and these days that is enough. At one extreme
towered, but luck is better to say tower, because if you wait a while 'is doomed, the Neo-classical home of the District of Porta Romana.
For the rest nothing.
Then came a project after many vicissitudes, which some upgrading that area, and in the opinion of other
the cement factory, but this always happens.
Certainly there was no talk of a boundless prairie to be protected, but a strip of land surrounded by houses and roads on all sides, and thus be protected even more so, as valuable and unique compared to that building, unfortunately for people who live there, quite ordinary.
It was said that there were to be built shopping malls and skyscrapers, occupying all, but it was not true.
The project in fact would affect one third of the area, one building at the opposite end of the walls, with a supermarket on the ground floor, and not a shopping mall as the Oasis, but in total only a share of just over 10 percent of the area would be affected by new volumes above ground. Nobody believed
however, because people, with the cement in your ears, looking at maps of the project, exchanging the existing buildings with those to be implemented, es'infervorava.
did not matter to anyone that the neo-classical building was renovated, the decor of the neighborhood and Quintana, Ascoli is not just that, and indeed the interests of all, as the area of \u200b\u200brelevance is not remained the exclusive prerogative of the District. Not even interested
other topics, such as the redevelopment of the green, with new equipment
Sports flush of minimal impact, cleanliness and decorum in speech, the dignity of a piece of Ascoli and its history.
was of secondary importance that the existing supermarket, she moved to the new premises, leaving the old for the activities of the district, and indeed there were those who said that the new parking around
would have been unnecessary for citizens, as they finished to be for the exclusive use of the new business, while it seems that everyone you know, go to the grocery store only on foot from the existing one, which is just 200 meters from the "monster" that will be built.
short, a unanimous chorus from running (this province), in a procession or in a circle: "We want the brambles and mice."
Green is a valuable asset, but it is certain, we ask, that is enough to make it accessible to mowing a lawn, you can do without planning agreements and without all those other gadgets that many are only enrich private, rather than clean it, equip it and
This story, large leaves, closely the way ... deserves to be ended not with "once upon a time the last green lung of the city," but with "a Porta Romana is a large garden, where children supervised and safe play, because they can not pricked with thorns and even with the syringes, there is a monumental District seat open to all, the pride of tradition Ascolana,
there is only one new multipurpose building, modern and decent, far walls, which does not stand out
compared to existing ones, with commercial activity restored, worthy of a district of a provincial capital at the turn of 2005. "

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A Shame (Guido Castelli)

A shame. That 'the only noun and which' can define the proposal to amend the electoral law prepared by the majority at the last minute after an appeal by the Government of legislation passed in December. In the center-left hurriedly put under consideration in the Regional Council today a bill that has only one political goal: to depress the council representing the South of the Marches to the benefit of the College of Ancona. The establishment of the fifth constituency (the Fermo) in the absence of a rebalancing of the old electoral law, bring 'to the "decimation" of the directors Ascoli and Fermo. I see too many advisors recommend not Stop that have become champions of the autonomy stop for reasons of low food elettorale.Ancora more 'serious they are, then, the effects will spread specifically on the area of \u200b\u200bAscoli, which will be able to' rely on the same number of Councillors assigned constituency detention (four) despite well
40,000 people in more '. I have submitted 500 amendments to the proposal and will try 'to filibuster to prevent it from being enacted that' it will be 'remembered as a true "legal scam" against dell'ascolano and stop.