Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Redwing Vs Carhartt Vs Worx Boots


Italy mourns four others died on the job

a moment of silence

today like yesterday and the day before yesterday and tomorrow (? )

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Labia Pain In Pregnancy

08 bis THE FIRST Masiere ROCK MASTER: recupeo race


The Supreme Committee decided to make the recovery of the climbing competition - The First Masiere Rock Master - valid as the penultimate round of AMICIADI

Saturday, October 9 from 8:30 to MAS

invite those who think to be present to communicate reply soon ...
The methods of the race will be the same race canceled.



Friday, October 1, 2010

How Much Baking Soda To Muriatic Acid?

A broken man!

been years since I submitted to a physical stress so intense.

Wednesday evening - Calcio a 5 with my brother and other young upwardly mobile ...
(obbligato a correre per non prendere la targa a tutti)

Giovedì pomeriggio - Calcio a 5 con colleghi e comandante...
(si corre meno ma ci vogliono due occhi così O_O per evitare di farsi male viste le entrate killer frutto di mente dissociata dal fisico)

Giovedì sera - Calcio a 5 con il solito gruppo di tutte le settimane
(quasi defaticante visti anche sintomi febbrili)


a) caviglia gonfia e dolorante (entrata a gamba tesa subita ma non sanzionata dall'arbitro...che non c'era)
b) abbassamento di voce e "pizzico" alla gola
c) ginocchio sinistro scricchiolante (in memoria di vecchi malanni)
d) unghia dell'alluce of the right foot blackened (an affectionate ram)
e) of the quadriceps femoris muscle set (also in memory of tears that were)
f) sleep (almost sleepless night, adrenaline & co, see below)
g) sore right calf (due to cramp at night) I would say that certain things

me I can not afford more: (

way that I look like a zombie!

I'll rest a little ...

... right until Saturday if I ... call answer THIS!