Monday, September 27, 2010

How Far Can I Shoot With A 44 Lever Action


Bossi: the Romans are pigs

All the insults in recent years

I do not know how you can continue to tolerate all this verbal violence, and this sustained attack on national sovereignty and institutions.
Only in a country like ours, you can see and hear profanity, vulgar gestures, public insults, sneers and attacks fronatali institutions uttered by ministers and presidents of the council.

There is a limit to everything.

The measure is full.

Umberto Bossi and his fellow snacks should be accountable to the judiciary to these behaviors.

And for consistency would be well advised to resign by the institutional roles that cover and think to govern the farms of their estates, unless they fall into Italian territory.

You Italian? No?
So do not break the Maronites and INSTITUTIONS OUT!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Reasons Goku Loves Chichi


Today is a sad day.
We gave a final farewell to Michael.
In sadness I mentally retraced the recent history that has brought us closer.
Michael has struggled and is spent on our common political project, knowing that his days are numbered.
He did not of course for himself.
It 's a lesson in life that will always carry with me.
does not matter whether or not you will enjoy the results of action ... if the action is worth undertaking this commitment must be unconditional.
It 's a lesson in selflessness, generosity and public spirit immeasurably.
Thanks Michael, rest in pace.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Recieps For Baking Using Coconut Oil

month of September ... break (or broken?)

E' davvero strano notare come spesso nella mia vita settembre rappresenti il "cambiamento".
Inutile ripercorrere fausti e infausti eventi passati...non è il senso di questo "sfogo".
Restando all'oggi anche questo settembre pare non sfugga alla regola, ho già "rotto" alcune situazioni con il mio passato, aperto nuovi capitoli ma pare che manchi ancora molto alla fine del mese e molta acqua ancora debba scorrere sotto i ponti.

Per fortuna ci sono le certezze e i punti fermi: la famiglia su tutti...mia daughter and my wife ... my mother and my brothers

and the rest? work? friends? stimuli? mah ... wait for October ...

hyper-reflexive post, maybe I could spare, as I am sure that read these words will only increase the doubt in me

"Only fools have no doubt"
"Are you sure?"
"I have no doubt!"
(Luciano De Crescenzo)