Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Las Vegas Emt Training Accelerated

... 3 points desperately wanted

dell'Alma streak continues.
All in all still a good performance, maybe a bit less than the others, we also met a good team.
Defeat for 5 to 3, we were just about to catch a break even on the 4 to 3, but after 2 minutes came the coup de grace and the game is over.
few too many distractions, although I must admit that it was hard as a game.
positive note we scored 3 goals, 1 more than the last time and two more than the first game, we went on like this and end 15 goals in a game ...

Public report cards send by Leo.

Alma - galbiatese 3-5

Continues its troubled start to the season Alma, still no points after three matches with a goal difference even if from UEFA zone .. yet another defeat of the measure with a strong team especially tactically is marked once again by a questionable refereeing (it seems that CSI has hired just 11 referees to whistle a foul that did not) even if impartial and not less stringent than with those over 60. The positive note is given by the showers that have switched to ice water chilly / tiepidina ...

7 + Vit Great old-style interventions, particularly dazzling in the outputs. coined at least 3 new curses goals more gifts ONLY GOD KNOWS

Brombo: 6 + as is the great goal from outside, behind Fatigue often against difficult opponents in one-one .. not even the Hound of the good times but it is growing ... and Thursday are the bulldogs Rabid DOGS

Maino: 6 a bit because I do not remember how he played a bit because seems a bit under physically. Anyway back is safer, some recoveries are crucial The Unforgettable

Mine: 6.5 in the first half and push buffers properly, set a bit in the second half with the last goal when the team starts to drop The Peacemaker

Gabro : 7 the dancer not denied in the forest of baobab trees in the middle of the field is the one that manages to find space. Appears in good shape, it lacks a bit of continuity. SAMPLE FOUND.

Gianni: 5 inversely proportional to his brother, but can not give one, conditioned by an arbitrator that allows it to be (and once you do) all the possible abuse, he tries to end, even if deserved the 3 not relieve me for the last 2 minutes and at least afford to even the match. However, the commitment is there, compared to the first two games we await the return of the glories of the past RETURN OF THE KING

Andre: 6.5 increasingly bad in the middle of the field engages in outside shot, with little success, but at least she tries. could commit more fallacciano since there would have been booed ARMAGEDDON

Teo Fashion 8.5 clearly the best, runs, sets, in contrast even at the risk of uncombed .. scored a goal from corner, the last time that happened to the beloved Juve had 29 badges .. now it has 27 THE 'Where Eagles Dare

Lambru 5.5 just can not find the right idea, there are no spaces before and often found himself in the midst of four .. raises fears of supporters that concludes with a flight landing place The danger is' my job

Bomber: 6 is not a big impact on the game, he ends with the sacrifice on the wall .. the opponent's vote, however, is partial because I have not seen his first 3 minutes because I was putting the oil heating THE ENEMY AND 'THE GATES

Leo: 6 / 7 first race of some significance for the number 10 that keeps the tradition going in the goal whenever American eats cake. At the beginning of the second half is in the rapture of the offensive team that manages to draw, thanks to the magical properties of the aforementioned oil foul. In recovery, although still far from the best of times The Golden Child

Panz 3 protest against the change of day, and this is plausible, but leave the team without the technical guidance in times of need can affect the championship. The petition to have him at least in travel has already been signed by the team as a whole and the President. In the event of his participation in Thursday guarantee performance goals and above victory! Sometimes they come back?

0 0 1
Tabellini Statistics Alma
Player Attendance Goals Yellow Red Cards Cart Azz.
Vitt 3 0 0 0 0
Andre 3 0 0 0
Bomber 2 3 0 0 0
Brembo 3 1 0 0 0
Gabry 2 0 0 0 0
Gianni 3 1 0 0 0
Lambru 3 0 0 0
Leo 3 0 0 0
Maino 3 0 0 0 0
Mine 3 0 0 0 0
Teo 2 1 0 0 0

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Do You Sleep In Compression Shorts

The Championship continues ... Morning Departure

E 'came the second day, and the second defeat. The team has its problems and bad luck with the usual stakes, some could be more effective.
We also have the first report cards of the year, both matches, signed by Leonardo Ratti. The public without complaint even though on some votes I would not wholly agree with, guess what ...

Hopefully the bad luck is offset over the year, hello, hello


Alma - TorreBusi 1-2 (bomber)

season begins with the classic debut defeat, classic hit 4 wood, Classic bad luck .. the good news is the condition of ours, that usually appears early in the season while puzzling yesterday we saw the game and athletic brilliance. take this as a positive sign? (since I already know how it ended the second game I would say no). Here are assessments of
orange blue heroes

Vitt: 6 without infamy and without praise .. opponents are missing the door and almost never two goals are not his responsibility. is still in the warm phase of traferte lick of new songs and did not propose to

Maino: 6 is behind a security, the front is a bit 'little proactive

Mine: 6 is a guarantee in front, behind a little bit proactive

Brambi: 6 The big red pillar, gutted strokes of the hoe, contorcevasi and bent in an arc, as if he had a stomach ache, and say oh! too. Malpelo

Gianni: 4 as I said I had to find a scapegoat

Teofashion: 7 in rewriting its certainly due to the fact have resumed exercise horizontal

Lambru: 6 + as it is on the bench for the statements goliardic

Leo: 6 + as the dedication and to have played even if debilitated

Andre: 6 + more bad when it comes into play. his hair cut has become even faster. great defensive tenacity.

Bomber: 7 the stronger, pulls out a great state of health. after trying in various ways to overcome the goalie understands that, after four posts, any shot will be good on the pole, gets attached to the mast and supports a network for a shot on the post .. sin was the last shot of the match

Over 40 - Alma 4-2 (gianni-bomber)

Step back in orange blue team who succumbs to an opponent without much affect anything but irresistible. The support of the referee that he forgets that as a referee just need to exhale breathe in piece of plastic ball worked better known as a whistle attached are crucial to the detriment of our own, in addition to the field beyond the technical superiority dell'Alma. There's also a bit of bad luck in having caught the only referee whistles than its historically more foul against the team of the championship but defeat is especially demerit our team, maybe it's cold and imballatissima .. ora di recuperare le cremine riscaldanti

Vitt: 6 guarda impotente i gol regalati dalla difesa..fa quasi tenerezza

Maino: 5,5 è quello che più cerca di tenere a galla la nave in tempesta da punto di vista tattico ma non appare in grande serata

Mine: 5,5 grande grinta ma finisce con l’infrangersi contro gli armadietti avversari. Si lascia prendere dal nervosismo per la condotta arbitrale e abbozza risse verbali pur preferendo i fatti alle parole

Brumbo: 5 non in gran forma rimane ignavo anche fuori dal campo,dove di solito è un leone. Ha le farfalle nello stomaco, o forse nella testa

Gianni: 4 picchiato senza ritegno non riesce mai a reagire e spesso cerca la soluzione more prohibitive to disentangle the awaiting better times

Gabro 6: the great struggle in midfield where, however, the opponents are always 3. in spaces so tight it's hard even for a dancer like him

Leo 5: once a ram that forces him to limp throughout the weekend, then other fouls and both socks with holes (even the sacred shield Japan). Match definitely no, just some ideas from afar and a dangerous free-kick

Lambru 5 8 if it could become, as he said, has really bet the london Cunego. In game follows the general trend of negative team

Bomber 7 + preaching in the desert but that's what most of all fa rialzare la testa alla squadra. sembra davvero l’unico in forma,o perlomeno quello meno fuori condizione. gol rocambolesco ma cercato,molto utile anche a metà campo dove riesce a raccattare qualche palla. Ulteriore prova che i nostri attaccanti se in forma possono e devono giocare insieme anche a metà campo. in 5 minuti 5 tiri in porta in due, più di quanti fatti nel resto della partita da tutta la squadra

Andrea 9 sempre più riscoperto arcigno difensore(miracoloso in suo salvataggio appena entrato) si guadagna la palma del migliore per essere riuscito a farsi la barba nello spogliatoio più invivibile del mondo,sovraffollato,in un bunker che creava l’effetto bagno turco da cui tutti cercavano di filarsela,lui senza flinching is shaved with the placidity of a budda.encomio.

PS also updates the tables, unfortunately for now it is too easy

Tabellini Statistics Alma
Player Attendance Goals Yellow Cards Cart Azz.
Vitt 2 0 0 0 0
Andre 2 0 0 0 0
Bomber 2 2 0 0 0
Brembo 2 0 0 0 0
Gabry 1 0 0 0 0
Gianni 2 1 0 0 0
Lambru 2 0 0 0 0
Leo 2 0 0 0 0
Maino 2 0 0 0 0
Mine 2 0 0 0 0
Teo 1 0 0 0 0

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Where To Brazilian Wax In Rochester Ny

It 'again the most beautiful in the world championship ...
As usual onset dell'Alma could not be with a win, however, than in previous years we played well, which gives hope for the good performance of the season.

painful and balanced game against a good team, firm, discovered that it is difficult, but we have taken the field well in fact the result was 1 to 2 for the Torre de 'Busi.
We were a bit unlucky with the posts and found a very good goalkeeper, but we can be satisfied, now we will have another tough game Friday.

vote of the team: 8, good all departments, as always a great Vitt and an excellent performance by all, we hope to reach even the goalsssssss.

publishing the much anticipated match report of the discussion marcatori, magari quest'anno riesco a tenere il conteggio giusto dei goal (per ora non dovrei aver sbagliato...)

Ciao a tutti

Tabellino Statistiche Alma
Giocatore Presenze Goals Ammonizioni Espulsioni Cart. Azz.
Vitt 1 0 0 0 0
Andre 1 0 0 0 0
Bomber 1 1 0 0 0
Brembo 1 0 0 0 0
Gabry 0 0 0 0 0
Gianni 1 0 0 0 0
Lambru 1 0 0 0
Leo 1 0 0 0 0
Maino 1 0 0 0 0
Mine 1 0 0 0 0
Teo 1 0 0 0 0

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Comaend Stage Liver Diseasehow Long To Live

As someone complains public a post, although it has nothing to be published ...

The new season will begin Alma soon, I think about ten days, I commend all in great shape, do not batten the first as usual

do not know if there is already around the calendar, if someone has it and send me the result so it can be viewed online and there are no more excuses for not ...

Hello everyone